The Spec Shaman Book
The Spec Shaman: How To Get Your Building Products Specified is the must have book for business owners, sales and marketing staff, building product reps, and movers and shakers in the industry. The product specification strategies in the book will provide building product manufacturers the critical tools and knowledge necessary for success. Our team explores getting on the design team, project phases, effective technical assistance, mistakes to avoid, and LEED v4 specification strategies. The experts provide the most concise and cost-effective method to get products specified.
The Spec Shaman book has been described as the most effective resource for building product manufacturers in decades. Instead of “reactionary” selling, our team teaches product reps to get involved in the project early and get in the specification before it is issued. Industry leaders have praised the book for its insight and specification strategies.
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Reader Testimonials:
“A real-world book by excellent professionals with well over 80 years of experience. Adopting the proven principles in this book will lead you to a successful career. I wish I had this guidance when I started out 47 years ago.”Roy F. Schauffele, FCSI, CCPR, FABAA, LEED GA
Division 7 Solutions, Inc.
“In these days of constant change in construction project delivery methods, most lose sight of the fact that every project begins with a specification. Always has, always will. Leave it to the Spec Shamans, Ron, Craig, and Brad, to shed new light on the lost art of consultative selling on the part of a well- trained product rep.” Warren Barber Manager, Technical Marketing
National Gypsum Co.
“Whether you’re new to the industry or a veteran, The Spec Shaman is a must-have for anyone marketing to design professionals.”Stephen DiRaffaele, LEED GA
Architectural Sales Rep
Indiana Limestone Company
“This book cuts through the fog of getting your product specified on a project. I have used Ron Blank’s techniques and methods – they work!”Dean Moilanen
Director of Architectural Services
Noble Company
“Over the past three years we have trained several of our sales professionals to become Subject Matter Experts, provided thousands of in-person, and online CE units, and have engrained our design professional commitment into the fabric of our company. We could not have achieved the level of success we currently enjoy without the support of the team from Ron Blank & Associates.”John J. Campbell
Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Eagle Roofing Products
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GreenCE is an AIA Education Provider and offers free AIA online courses. The free AIA courses are sponsored by building product manufacturers. In addition, the platform offers barrier-free ADA courses for Texas and California architects. Texas barrier-free online courses and California Accessibility courses meet state requirements. TX ADA courses and CA ADA courses are created by the top ADA experts in the country.
Building product manufacturers can get specified by using GreenCE services. GreenCE develops AIA and LEED courses for product manufacturers to educate architects. The online architect courses help build brand awareness about building products. In addition, GreenCE hosts manufacturer webinars for 200-300 architects at a time. The AIA webinars and LEED webinars are free for architects who can learn about various products.
Finally, GreenCE helps manufacturers develop Health Product Declarations (HPDs), LEED v4 product documentation, mindful MATERIALS documentation, Google Portico documentation, and Declare Labels. We value our relationships with design professionals and building product manufacturers. They are crucial to our success.