In this course, the design professional will gain insight into water efficiency and the role of sustainable plumbing. We will discuss testing and standards, as well as emerging environmental technologies. The increasing importance of product transparency will be addressed, especially regarding contributions to LEED certification.

TOTO is the world’s largest plumbing products manufacturer. We offer a complete line of commercial and decorative plumbing fixtures and fittings, faucets, accessories, shower and flush valves, as well as lavatories, toilets, Air Baths and urinals. More than 1,500 TOTO engineers and their colleagues are committed to achieving the seamless integration of performance, conservation, technology, and innovation. For over 90 years, we have been producing superbly designed, high performance lifestyle enhancing plumbing products. We understand our customers want products that have great design, and we concentrate on creating a more enjoyable bathroom experience through products that infuse sophisticated style, optimize water conservation and provide exceptional performance.
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Megatrends, global threats, and the acceleration of technology have collided to present design professionals with serious challenges but also innovative solutions. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a cutting-edge technology that allows devices to create a global communication network by exchanging data through the internet and allowing design professionals to make better decisions. In this course, we discuss how the Internet of Things (IoT) works and how it can help design professionals create sustainable buildings and improve occupant experience.
In this one hour video presentation, we explore how sustainable manufacturing helps reduce environmental impacts and solve critical issues facing our planet. Our team discusses how a manufacturer can use innovative practices to reduce energy and water consumption and material waste. Industry experts describe why design professionals should use EPDs, HPDs, and Declare Labels for specifying products. Finally, we examine how global megatrends affect design strategies and the built environment.
Request One Of Our Lunch & Learn Presentations Below!
People, Our Planet, and Water
Smart Restrooms For Smart Cities: How IoT Technology Can Improve Sustainability and Customer Experience
Walking the Talk: The Importance of Sustainable Manufacturing